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19.4F.500 - Didactique de l'anglais English in Mind 9-10-11H

Date et lieu

2 jours
mercredis 6 et 13 septembre 2017 de 08h30-12h00 et 13h00-16h30
La Chaux-de-Fonds


The course’s main objective is to make participants aware of the pedagogic principles on which English in Mind has been founded and to suggest ways in which teachers can best exploit the material available in their classes. It will provide both input from the trainers as well as an excellent opportunity for teachers to share ideas and experiences thus enabling every participant to take part in a reflective process. Teaching and assessing the basic skills will be the core content of the sessions, with a thorough visit of the various components of the English in Mind materials. Time will also be dedicated to the practical preparation of the Units to be taught in the months following the workshops, with the aim of supporting and aiding classroom practice. These initial two days will be followed by a series of Modules offering training or guidance in response to the participants’ requests or suggestions. In this way we hope to meet the main concerns of the course participants and to give them, on an optional basis, a chance to tackle and explore areas of interest in more depth.

Autres informations



Ms Sue Parminter, Mme Antoinette Dapples, Mme Séverine Righettini

Public concerné

Les enseignants neuchâtelois en priorité Tous les enseignant-e-s d'anglais qui commencent leur enseignement avec English in Mind en 9e, 10e et 11e HARMOS en 2017-2018 et qui n'ont pas encore obtenu leur attestation.